Революция без танцев не стоит того, чтоб ее устраивать (с) ;)
ну, все равно любопытно про Аркадию то....Archades Lies past the Sochen Cave Palace, then north of Old Archades. Vaan and party head here for the big showdown with Cid. The last area can only be reached by collecting a Sandalwood Chop, which requires matching up people in Archades, through being a sort of human classified ad. The area is needed for part of the cockatrice sidequest, and the owner of the Phon Coast Hunt Club hangs around there as well. CP: The capital of the Archadian Empire. Still small when it first formed as a city-state, it grew tremendously during the long peace fostered by the Galtean Alliance. When the Empire was formed, the city center was relocated, forming the Archades we know today. Though poor in both natural resources and land, Archades came to prominence as a city of innovation and learning. All information and technology gathers here, and the famed mages and artificers born within her walls are legion. Knowledge, then, is the true strength of the Archadian Empire. The city of Archades forms an octagon with the Imperial Palace at its center. Around the Palace sit the Senate Chambers and other administrative quarters, beyond which lies a booming mercantile district. The buildings in the city center are quite tall, with the lower floors being used mainly as residences. The difference in heights between the various buildings makes this a city of small airships, that being the most efficient means of accessing all levels of the metropolis. More than half the population of Archades is hume, and while at one time all lived near the ground, of late, those of power or particular wealth have taken to living in the higher apartments and traveling exclusively by private airship.
Archadia CP: The mightiest sovereign state in Valendia. Originally a republic governed by an active senate, the rise of the military brought about the shift to an imperial system 200 years ago. With the change in governance, Archadia began invading its neighboring lands, quickly becoming the largest realm in Ivalice. While in the past the emperor was traditionally of military extraction, a purge of key figures in the military by the politically powerful House Solidor led to the installation of a line of Solidor emperors which continues to this day.
Злая белая собака [тут не исправить уже ничего. жги!]
Ронин хех, а там в любом случае относительно скоро какая-то катастрофа намечается ^|^ а если от Ларсы уже и всякие Баши сбегают, но ничего хорошего ему не светит
Злая белая собака [тут не исправить уже ничего. жги!]
Ронин думаю, Заграбаат скоро умрет банально от старости... ну, будет новая династия Императоров, видимо эх, Дом Солидор загнулся на Ларсе. Пусть Ларсе будет стыдно.
а Ларса историю прогуливал
его бояре воспитывали....
а если от Ларсы уже и всякие Баши сбегают, но ничего хорошего ему не светит
кто там остается? тюкнут в тихом уголке и сказут что так и было....
ну, будет новая династия Императоров, видимо
эх, Дом Солидор загнулся на Ларсе. Пусть Ларсе будет стыдно.
хорошо хоть не Роззарийская партия в Аркадии править будет(((
может в самом деле, благодаря силе воли авторов все у этой воблы будет хорошо...